Contributions to the research project

1. I use chatgpt for reference on the existing motion and light sensor systems and voice assistant alexa 

2. did research on the existing motion sensor systems and how to integrate alexa into the motion sensor system

3. researched on the pros and cons of using voice assistant alexa 

4. researched on the types of motion and light sensors that uses alexa system

5. Did research on existing smart home system for the elderly

6. did research on the types of alexa routines set 

7. did some research on the existing auto blood pressure monitor that syncs with apps and the smart watch

8. write the transmittal letter by asking chatgpt questions 

9. used chatgpt to prompt and start researching on the various blood pressure monitor systems

10. did the evaluation part of the report where i have to consider myself as an elderly user and what i have to take their respective towards technology 


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