Critical Reflection

 Module Learning

Enrolling in the Critical Thinking and Communications module initially left me uncertain about what to anticipate. I assumed it would be another writing-focused course, perhaps centered around essay structures like PEEL. However, I quickly discovered that the module offered much more, delving into diverse methods of critically evaluating sources. The incorporation of ChatGPT for initiating research and the nuances of citing for artificial intelligence added a unique dimension to the learning experience. The distinction between crafting a technical report tailored for stakeholders and a reader-response piece underscored the module's comprehensive approach.

Surprisingly, the inclusion of presentations caught me off guard, triggering apprehension due to my soft-spoken nature. Interacting with classmates through presentations presented a distinct challenge. Nevertheless, this unexpected aspect turned out to be invaluable. The presentations pushed me out of my comfort zone, fostering personal growth and providing an avenue for constructive peer feedback. I came to appreciate Professor Bradstone's inclusive teaching style, where every student had the opportunity to contribute, whether by answering questions or reading paragraphs aloud. This approach not only facilitated a supportive learning environment but also encouraged active participation and engagement. Overall, the module exceeded my initial expectations, offering a holistic exploration of critical thinking, communication, and presentation skills.

Project Learning 

Assuming the responsibility of the secretary during our team meetings was a pivotal role that involved comprehensive tasks in maintaining records and facilitating effective communication. As the designated secretary, my primary responsibilities centered around writing and taking meticulous notes during our team meetings. Initially, this presented a challenge as the sheer volume of information to document was overwhelming. However, with each subsequent meeting, I honed my skills and developed a keen understanding of discerning key points.

Navigating through the initial difficulties, the team dynamics emerged as a key factor in making the role both manageable and enjoyable. The team exhibited an exceptional level of cohesion, characterized by open-mindedness and a willingness to provide constructive feedback. This collaborative atmosphere not only facilitated a smoother workflow but also ensured that diverse perspectives were considered for refining and improving the content of our reports.

The iterative nature of our meetings allowed me to refine my note-taking approach, focusing on capturing essential details critical to the report's development. The team's receptiveness to feedback and suggestions created an environment of continuous improvement, where everyone felt comfortable contributing ideas and opinions. This experience as the secretary not only enhanced my organizational and writing skills but also underscored the importance of effective teamwork in achieving common goals. Overall, the collaborative and open-minded team dynamics significantly contributed to the success and positive atmosphere of our meetings.


  1. Thank you, Sky, for this infomative and richly detailed reflection! I appreciate all the effort.


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